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            A state was formed and recognized in 1871 in the center of .
             This event has had an enormous impact since its inception. It .
             has been both the salvation of Europe through economic depressions and .
             hard times, as well as, the cause for two world wars and the near .
             decimation of Europe. Its people have been back and forth between rags .
             and riches, democracy and dictatorships, united, broken and then .
             reunited. This state is known as Germany. .
             Modern Germany has been reunified after almost 50 years of .
             separation during the cold war. Once again German power and influence .
             is on the rise. The world watches because Germany has not been able to .
             successfully retain both total sovereignty over its territory and be an .
             economic world power, for a substantial period of time; without plunging .
             the world into an unavoidable conflict. The question of Germany and its .
             position in world politics is one which has plagued statesmen since .
             Germany's formation. This paper will argue that the answer lies within .
             the state. Germany needs to secure itself as both the economic and .
             political hegemon of Europe under the auspices of the European Union. .
             Furthermore, until Germany's present condition and effectiveness in .
             global politics changes, the instability in the European Union will .
             continue, as well as, the persistent German question. .
             Twice in history Germany has risen from disorder and weakness to .
             stand strong and belligerent upsetting the existing world order. Can .
             there be any question of why the world views Germany suspiciously? In .
             1914, German expansionism and short-sighted diplomacy paved the way .
             toward an inevitable war. Germany moved from Bismarkian Diplomacy which .
             maintained the "status quo" in Europe and abroad, to an aggressive .
             militaristic imperialism which desired redistribution of global .
             territory. A large naval fleet was built second only to the Royal navy .
             (Britain) as well as a massive increase in military hardware production.

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