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             He always wakes up with a smile on his face trying to explain that everything he ever did was wrong. Believing that future will never fail. He is always satisfied and unpredictable in his actions. Tries to hide his true identity in front of a stranger. Keeps one hand in the pocket of his jeans that are about to drop down to his knees when he takes an insecure step. He always seeks forgiveness and confesses his sins to someone he pretends to love. It is impossible not to love him. His philosophy changes as he changes his relationships. Sometimes too often. Constantly needing somebody who cares and believes in him.
             His pure brown eyes twinkle when he laughs. Now rarely. His hair falls down to his face. Always holds his head up high, revealing a scar on his chin that always attracted me. Hides a deep cut on his left arm that explains his tamper and fear towards loneliness. His cold rough hands with thousands of wrinkles, too old for his seventeen, constantly caress my smile. He never lies, just escapes from reality. Indulging each time deeper into uncertainty and hate. Optimist, but his glass is half empty. Addicted to daily rituals that will never escape his life. Regretting the day it started. Making mistakes over and over again. Facing consequences and punishments. His god is dead, but he always closes his day with a prayer. Believing that tomorrow he can start again and I will accept him back into my life.
             Running towards freedom, giving up his life. Drowning in the ocean, revealing his darkest secrets. Trusting nature rather than humans. Always betrayed, but he never gives up. Egoist but accepted. Revengeful, but he never takes a chance. Obligated only to himself. Unchanging in his decisions, but is easily persuaded. Always scared of something that will eventually come and capture his soul. Moments pass him by, but memories never leave his heart. By the end of the day for him it doesn't matter whether he is dead or alive.

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