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            To kill or not to kill that is the question. I often rephrase that sentence that I made in my mind, when I think abortion issue. Today, in almost twenty-six years 30 million legal abortions have taken place in the U.S. Abortion has existed throughout history and still is a serious controversial issue in U.S. society. A life for baby, Pro-life or choice for woman, Pro-choice; where do you stand on abortion? I believe that abortion should be legal and available to all women. Then, people will ask why abortion should be legal and available for all women. Therefore, I am going to support my stand in three different ways, which are ethics, methods, opinion and religious matter. I do not assume that I will change against abortion supporter's mind, although I do hope that at least make some people, think in the other perspective once again about abortion.
             Fist of all, I believe that abortion is not a murder. People who are against abortion, in many cases they describe it as murder because they believe that a fertilized egg is a human being with a soul and has the right to live under all circumstances. However, Pro-choice supporters argue that the fertilized egg as potential life, based on medical and scientific evidences. I believe that the fetus is not a human being. It cannot be viable in the early months of woman's pregnancy and it is still a part of its mother "s body. .
             Secondly, I believe that there are reasonable circumstances that you have to choose abortion. Some women enjoy a healthy, happy life and they are ready to offer the same to their children they may have. Yet not all women are ready to share their lives with the unplanned baby and it may come as a terrible shock. There are many reasons for not wishing to continue a pregnancy: 1) the woman may be too young or too old. Teenager pregnancy is a good example. They are too young to have their own child because they have to educate them first in order to provide good living and enviroment for the baby.

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