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Beautiful Mind


             A Beautiful Mind begins almost like your typical love story except that the.
             main character, John Nash, is a little strange because he's a genius. He is a.
             mathematical wizard and exhibits the characteristics you often see in someone so.
             brilliant. For example, he frequently loses track of time at work because he is so.
             involved in solving an equation that no one has ever solved before. The little.
             details of life kind of get away from him because his mind appears to be.
             occupied with thoughts about his work. After all, it is not unusual for a genius to.
             be a little eccentric. John seems to see the world differently than the average.
             person. .
             John's life goes on in a seemingly normal way with the exception of the spy.
             work that he is involved in for the government. During college, this guy that.
             looks like he works for the government comes along and gets him involved in.
             what seems to be secret government activities. Also during college, he is very.
             close to his roommate who becomes his lifelong best friend. He and this best.
             friend get into trouble when they throw a huge desk out a window with the best.
             friend egging him on all the way. But at the time you don't realize that the best.
             friend doesn't exist. John falls in love with a beautiful woman who seems to love.
             him very much as well. They get married and still, even she doesn't notice that.
             he is having a problem. He is portrayed to be a little odd but you wouldn't think.
             that he is really crazy. His career continues to flourish but soon you see things.
             starting to get out of hand. The audience doesn't realize at first that this is his.
             illness progressing. John begins to have problems at work and even has a.
             breakdown there. His co-workers send him to the hospital and call his wife who.
             is very shocked. She then puts two and two together and figures out that.
             something is very wrong. .
             While hospitalized, John is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and treated.

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