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             Marijuana! Legalizing it or not, this debate is growing rampant just like the Roe vs. Wade trial, an abortion trial that goes to the Supreme Court. Marijuana is a drug that people smoke to make them feel free and care less about their world. It would take them to a dream world of their own that only they could imagine. Is marijuana good or bad? Why are so many people against marijuana? I feel marijuana should be legalized as a prescription and not as for free of will.
             Many reasons have play against marijuana but many people do not know that marijuana is used as a painkiller to help control illness. Doctors have tried to ask the government to legalize marijuana for the purpose of helping out people who have diseased. Such disease like "cancer, AIDS, Glaucoma, and multiple sclerosis" (G.Lester).
             In California, Proposition 215; a law legalizing marijuana by doctors prescription said that "Exempts patients and defined caregivers who possess or cultivate marijuana for medical treatment recommended by a physician from criminal laws which otherwise prohibit possession or cultivation of marijuana." This law allows the physician to write prescriptions to patients without any denied and contact with the law. This argument has grown through the years and doctor has trying to recommend this to the government for a law to pass to legalizing marijuana. Doctors are saying that "many people are too ill or unskilled to grow their own pot, they risk arrest by resorting to buying it on the street his to the government for a law to be passed to legalizing marijuana.".
             Marijuana use poses an even greater danger from a sociological standpoint than it does to the health of individuals who smoke it. As most people already know that after smoking marijuana cause a person to lost their senses like "memory, distorted perception, difficulty in thinking and problem-solving, loss of coordination, increased heart rate, anxiety, and panic attacks" (NIDA).

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