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             In order to learn more about my ethnic background I researched topics on the German culture. A few things that I researched were marriage, children and giving birth, gender roles, and divorce. My family comes from German, Scottish, and Irish backgrounds, but the more prominent is German so that is the reason I picked this area to learn more about. .
             The first topic I researched was marriage and dating. I found it difficult to find information on dating situations in Germany. Any time I would try to look up information it would bring up issues like on line dating and that isn't the sort of information I was looking for. But I did find a lot of good information on marriage traditions and wedding statistics. In all cultures there are many different types traditions, but the ones I found out about for Germany are very different than American traditions. One of the most interesting things I found was how the bride and grooms family carry dishes out to the streets and smash them on the ground. The bride and groom to be, then had to go around and sweep up all the dishes that had been broken. The symbolism for this is that if the bride and groom could sweep up all the broken dishes then they are supposed to last and cooperate in both good times and bad. Another tradition is that during the reception the wedding party on the men's side will kidnap the bride and take her to the local pub. The groom's duty is to capture her and pay the bill at the bar. At the reception the party will go on for hours. At midnight the bride takes off her veil and gives it to the next girl or women who is in line to get married. German couples wear identical rings; the wedding bands don't have diamonds or any detail on them. They also wear their wedding rings on their right hand rather then their left hand. What I thought was .
             Germany 3.
             funny about one of the traditions was that in Northern Germany the family and friends of the bride and groom like to play a trick on the couple when they are getting married.

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