This is a story line for a soap opera based on the myths of the Orestia. The characters include, Alex, a wealthy businessman who lives on the east coast with his family and is a prominent member of society. Alex travels for extended periods of time on occasion for business reasons. His wife, Katherine, is an active mother and is well known in the community. She mainly takes care of the home. They have three children Rick, Jenny, and Erica. Rick is out of high school and is away at college on the west coast. Since leaving home at odds with his parents about his college choice and other things he has been very out of touch and rarely communicates with anyone from home. Jenny is in junior high. Erica is in high school. Other characters include Adam who becomes involved with Katherine while Alex is away. Also, Cassie who becomes acquainted with Alex while he is away on business. Finally Dr. Calchas who is one of Alex's country club friends.
The opening scene will be of Rick in class and working to get ahead as his semester comes to an end. The next scene is in their home town of Springfield. Alex is home for a few days. He is running a couple of errands and picking Jenny up from school. Jenny is late getting out and her father is anxious to return home because he is expecting an important phone call. In his haste to get back Alex runs a red light. As his car goes through the intersection it is hit in the passenger side by a truck. Following the accident Jenny and Alex are taken to the hospital by ambulance. In this scene we see Alex conscious with some minor injuries and Jenny unconscious and barely hanging on to life. Next Katherine and Erica are seen in the waiting room at the hospital. As they sit and wait Dr. Calchas approaches them. They stand up as he becomes near. The doctor explains that there is some good news and some bad news. The good news is of course that Alex has only minor injuries and the bad news is that Jenny is in critical condition and may not make it through the night.
In this paper I am studying Roman and Greek Mythology, two of the many mythologies out there. ... In Greek mythology, the myths are mostly either divine myths or heroic myths. ... To the Greek people the gods and myths were involved in every aspect of their lives. ... This goes to prove how much the people of Ancient Greek did follow the myths of the gods. ... Also in doing this paper I have come to be aware that even thought the myths have been around so long and many people no longer believe in them, they still have an influence on our lives. ...
MYTH"S OF ANCIENT TIMES Greek myths are entertaining and meaningful, fictional and truthful. ... What was the point of Greek myths? ... This paper will explain what Greek myths are all about. It will say why Greek myths were created, and what they mean. ... (Mikhail Strabo) The Greeks were the first people to write myths. ...
Greek people were excellent fisherman and traders. ... This was definitely good for Greece's economy. The geography of Greece wasn't all that great. ... Islands were included as part of Greece's geography. ... Greece was home to Draco who was the person who first had written laws for Greece. ...
His work tends to glorify the work of Greece and its countrymen. ... His glorification of Greece and its heroic people leaves his work to be suspect of whether or not his intentions were to teach future generations what Greece was like and events that may have occurred to help shape modern day Greece. It is hard to tell if that was his intention at all, because in his writings Herodotus introduces many myths. ... The myths could lead a modern day historian to believe that maybe his intent was merely a ploy to entertain the citizens of Greece. ... There are many myths that have taken pl...
Hades research paper The name that come to mind when a thought of Greek and Roman death is so notorious that even pre-grade children know and understand it. ... This was a very helpful feature in a myth that I will describe later. Speaking of myths, Hades is not a very appealing character to have a story based around. ... That included all the silver, diamonds, metal ore, and gold that the Greeks and Romans used to make their currency. ... This is only one myth concerning Hades, there are more. ...
Prometheus Prometheus, the Titan of Greek mythology, was considered to be the most important Titan ever in all the myths. ... This can be seen through many events in his life including a particular myth that the reader will acknowledge in this research paper. ... The Clymene mentioned is ironically the same Greek figure as mentioned in the myth about Prometheus' mother (Parada 4-5). ... They included his trickery on Zeus and the myth in this research paper concerning his punishment. ... It was the traits given to this Greek mythological figure passed downed through ancient lite...
Myths throughout history have been in existence since ancient times and still play a vital role in today's society. ... Born on the frontier of Ancient Greece philosophy these fictitious accounts of legendary heros and mystical lands were first established into the culture of the Greek way of life. ... (Hefner, "Atlantis the Myth") Poseidon gained control of what was to be Atlantis. ... This myth of Atlantis has been scrutinized for years and its validity of being true or not has been questioned as well. Many people have said that they have found evidence of the lost isle but the tr...
Myths throughout history have been in existence since ancient times and still play a vital role in today's society. ... Born on the frontier of Ancient Greece philosophy these fictitious accounts of legendary heros and mystical lands were first established into the culture of the Greek way of life. ... (Hefner, "Atlantis the Myth") Poseidon gained control of what was to be Atlantis. ... Many people have said that they have found evidence of the lost isle but the truth still holds true this myth is just simply that, a myth. ... The truth still remains that this story was just another ...