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             Every 22 minutes someone dies in an alcohol-related motor vehicle accident. Does that scare you? Well how about this; On any given weekend evening, one in 10 drivers on America's roads has been drinking. And even worse, 60 percent of all teen deaths in car accidents are alcohol-related. Obviously something needs to be done in order to make teens realize the harm in drinking and driving. There are many ways teenagers, who get caught for driving under the influence, can be strictly penalized.
             First, the teen involved in the act should have his/her license suspended for at least five years. This will cause them to stay out of the vehicle and away from harming another person with his/her automobile. Although one cannot make someone stop drinking completely, especially considering many people become addicted to it,.
             the next step needs to be made to make sure he/she will not be the cause of another person's death because he/she decides to be irresponsible and drive drunk.
             Second, community service should be required for teens convicted of drunk driving. He should have to help out at a hospital where babies are born addicted to alcohol or illegal, explicit drugs. This will enable the one convicted to see exactly what alcohol does to the body, because even though the babies weren't hurt in a car accident, they were harmed due to alcohol consumption and.
             many are lucky to be alive.
             The third way teens can be penalized for drunk driving, is by enforcing a very high fine. This would work because not all teenagers work, and parents of the teens definitely don't want to fork out six hundred dollars because their child got caught drinking and driving. And many of the teenagers that actually do work, already have a.
             purpose for the money such as rent, or a new car, or clothes, and they will not want to have to pay a lot of money for a fine that they could avoid receiving.
             In 1994, 16,589 persons died in traffic crashes in which alcohol played a part.

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