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The Importance of College

             From the day you're born until the day you die you are taught to absorb your surroundings and indulge in the joys of life, love, and education. That experience continues in college. Through college we gain maturity, find out who we are and learn to better ourselves. I believe college is important for all of those reason and more. In college we gain job experience, we have a better chance of obtaining a high paying job, and college gives us a broader perspective of life.
             Training for a job is one of the #1 reasons to go to college. The more experience you get, and the higher level of training and degrees you receive, the better chance you have of getting a career best suited for your needs. Employers look at your high school and college background, and if they see you have received training or a degree in their area of expertise, the more likely it is that you will receive a job with them. Working hard toward a certain field of expertise, will also help lead to a higher paying salary.
             A high paying salary is definitely one of the perks of college. Very few people with only a high school diploma manage to earn six digits a year. The more experience you get in college, the higher the position you can earn when you begin working. This experience can lead to an immediate increase in salary. With a higher salary, you feel a broad sense of accomplishment and achievement. In having more money, you become more financially stable, and feel supported in whatever you choose to buy or invest in.
             College is also the time where you learn more about yourself. It is a time where you have to prove yourself worthy of being out on your own. College shows if you are mature enough to take care of yourself away from home and parental supervision. Many people say that college is one of the most fun times in your life. Away from the aspect of tough classes and long papers, this is also a time where you make new friends, and maybe even meet a long-term partner.

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