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Domestic Violence

             There is little doubt that wife beating has become an acute social problem in the United States. A variety of studies confirm that the incidence of abuse is well beyond the exceptional. It is estimated that one in two women will be abused during the course of their marriage. A national survey found that each year one out of six couples experience at least one violent act; one in eight couples inflicts abuse that causes serious injury, and one in twenty-five marriages is plagued with what amounts to perpetual brutality. Subsequent studies have elaborated the gruesome pictures. (Gondolf pg 2).
             The litany of statistics suggests that violence in the home dwarfs other categories of violent crime. In fact 34% of all violent offenses reported to the police in two Scottish cities were assaults between family members. Seventy-six percent of assaults were committed against wives by husbands only 1% against husbands by wives. (Gondolf pg 2).
             The abuse of woman has been with us for a long time. In ancient Egypt, men were expected to bash their wives teethes out with a brick if they spoke out against them, and the medieval church sanctioned flogging of disobedient wives. As recently as colonial times, a husband was allowed to punish his wife with a stick no bigger than his thumb. Historical accounts of battering informed us not only that wife abuse has long been endorsed as well as tolerated. (Gondolf pg. 2) .
             Male-Female Sex Roles.
             At the heart of this argument is the notion that men and women are socialized into conflicting roles. Their learned differences make conflicts inevitable. The man's socialization into a masculine role causes him to conflict in the way he knows best with violence. The absence of violence in a relationship is therefore the result of two partners in a perfunctory way living separate lives, risking a lack of fulfillment, or moving beyond the sex role boundaries to a genuine sharing of emotions and power.

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