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            As you can imagine, there are approximately 2000 sermons that could be preached in this chapter of Mark.
             I was glad that chapter 14 hit on a homily day however, because an old friend, I think leads us through the entire chapter, and I think perhaps for me anyway illuminates the Easter message.
             While the story of the woman who anointed Jesus is all four gospels, Mark is the primary source of her study.
             In spite of the attitude toward in the culture of 1st cent. Jerusalem, this woman is presented as an example of a true disciple of Jesus, who simply put did what she had the power to do.
             Denied public witness and voice, she chose to act prophetically and with great compassion.
             Power, understood as a gift from God, is the focus of this chapter.
             Through discipline and commitment, empowerment can assist any of us who chose to experience and realize the power to do what we can do.
             Scholars and church leaders have debated the significance of the anointing of Christ for centuries.
             Was it simply an extravagant action of a zealous woman? Was it a frivolous and spontaneous act? Was it a calculated and political response meant to point out the oppression of women?.
             Or was it a prophetic critique of the disciples present situation . An examination of what was yet to occur?.
             Could it actually be that this woman and this anointing announced something to the world that was continually missed by the disciples?.
             Think about it.
             This story is very radical.
             This woman anoints Jesus" head. This was a radical act on the part of the woman. .
             At a typical dinner, such as Jesus was attending, all the guests reclined on low couches around the table.
             To anoint the head of Jesus meant that the woman had to be standing close behind him. In body language, that meant that a woman standing head and shoulders above Jesus performing an act saved for the dead or newly appointed heads of state would be extremely out of the ordinary.

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