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Having a Game Plan for Life

            Several people close to me asked why I chose to go to college. They said even with a degree I wouldn't find a good job, not to mention the expense of tuition, room and board; I'd be in debt for a decade. Their negative views on my plans to further my education prompted me to ask myself, "why not attend college?" I didn't want to be lazy, or end up at a burger joint I had to make a decision that would help me achieve the success I knew I was capable of. .
             A good education is the most powerful tool you can obtain to prosper. It's something you did and something you own that nobody can take away. The more you learn the further you will go in life.
             The first thing everyone should do is list their career goals; one short list and one long-term. My goals are to graduate college, attend a grad school and earn a masters degree. I'd like to get a job at Google, Apple, or another major computer, software, or internet company. .
             I have been a "nerd" for as long as I can remember. I really enjoy finding about the latest software or trying to figure out how that darn thing works! I would be happy with a job that allowed me to sit at my desk with computer parts everywhere! .
             Although my first semester of college is coming to end I'm ready to jump back in cause I have a computer class next semester and I can really test the waters. I love working with computer but this will determined if I want to do this for a career or a lifetime or is this just one of those. Passions. I also plan on joining some type of group on campus. Maybe a way to get my foot in the door to a major company and see if I can land an internship. That way I can go work for one of my dream company's to see if this is where I want to be, to see if I like the environment, the people, also is there room for advisement in this company. I know I have about three more years of college but time waits for no one. I believe you should make your moves early instead of wait to the last minute and hope for something good.

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