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Cracking India and Lone Star

             There are many boundaries between persons and places in our history. These boundaries not only restrict people and places, but they also put limitations on genders, classes, ethnicities, and time periods. Experiencing a cultural change creates many different biases and helps draw the lines between people and places. Placing a border between two cultures can have an unpredictable affect on the social community and political society.
             In the film, Lone Star, The town of La Fonteria experienced a shift in the increasing Latino and decreasing Anglo population. La Fonteria is located right on the Mexican border, and has had a reputation for illegal immigrant crossings. The political power lies in the hands of the white minority and for the first time the next elections will place the power in the hands of the Mexican majority. This cultural and political change, along with the discovery of Charlie Wade's body, has led to the search for "truth" in La Fonteria's history. Pilar attempted to explain how the two cultures were coming together in both positive and negative ways. She tried to make them understand that the biases among the different cultures were tearing down the history and heritage of their community. Although there is a line between the U.S. and Mexico, the cultures have never been constrained by that line.
             In Bapsi Sidhwa's novel, Cracking India, there was a huge constraint by the borderline that was drawn up as a result of the Partition. The Partition in 1947 devastated the characters lives along with millions of others. It resulted in violence and blood shed even though it tried to resolve political conflicts. The British Government drew up the border between India and Pakistan in a short period of time. India and Pakistan's economy and people were separated into two parts on the basis of religion. When the citizens of Lahore started to become aware of the upcoming partition and quickly made religion their primary focus.

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