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My Trip to New York City

            Everyone has his or her own favorite places to remember with good memories. For me it's a place I visited when I was a child. It was New York City, New York. That morning I went to a soccer meeting at school. When the meeting was over, I was walking to my ride when my basketball coach saw me walk by he ask me what time I was leaving, I told him "Later, like around 10:30am." He then told me to go lift weights. And I told him "But coach I'm leaving in like two hours." He said "No excuses Cesar." So then I went to the weight room and had a quick workout. I left the gym at around 10:00am and got on my mommas car. When we got home I ran into my room and I packed my stuff in a hurry. Then I went take a shower and got dressed, then my mom drove me to school. .
             I got to school and my teacher and friends that were going to the trip were waiting for me. It was all girls and I was the only guy. I felt good because I didn't have to share rooms with someone else. We then took a group picture and said our good byes to our families. We got in the vehicles and drove to the airport at Dallas, Tx. When we got to the airport we waited in there for like 30 minutes and flew to New York City, New York. It was my first time flying in a airplane. I got a seat next to two women, it felt awkward. But then after 30 minutes had gone by, we started talking. We talked for like an hour. Then it got boring and i fell asleep. I slept for like 2 hours, when i woke up the girl sitting beside me was asleep. So I watched a movie. When the movie movie was over, there was 15 minutes left for landing. I just sat back and chilled. We landed and it felt weird. Then the plane stopped and we got off.
             We went to get our luggage and our teacher told us to find a lady with sign that said World Strides. When we found her, she took us to a van and we put our luggage, then she drove us to our hotel. When we got to the hotel the girls went to find their room and I went to buy a snack because I was hungry.

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