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Hard Work Leads to Success

             If you want to succeed you need to learn how to work hard and give everything your best effort. From getting a job to schooling, it all takes a great amount of hard work. You also gain other people trust in a result of working hard. Once you prove you are hard working people become more lenient with you because they know you'll get the job done. If you are looking to succeed the answer is to work your hardest in everything you do. .
             For example, academics is a strong example of an area you need to work extremely hard to succeed in. If you work hard in your schooling then only good things can come from it. It can result in getting into the college you want as well as getting good grades. A personal example would be, for me math does not come naturally like it does for a lot of kids. In math I have study for everything, and I have to listen constantly to all the lectures of else I get lost and behind very quickly. Also hard work leads to the skill of become proactive. Once you gain the skill of being proactive you will get your assignments done more quickly and have more free time. There are so many benefits of having the skill of being hard working.
             Also having a job is another way you use this skill. It doesn't matter what job it is you need to be determined to do everything that is required of you. Employers are looking for people in which they trust and can rely on. All you have to do is show them that your worth their time and that you will meet all that is expected of you. If you show them that you can efficiently get your work done, then you are more likely to be moved up in the position that you hold at that job. So many things come from being a hard worker. For example, I used to work at a restaurant called cafe sabor. I loved working there and I always put in my best effort to please my boss. One day he moved me up to a higher position in which the pay was a lot better. All businesses are looking for hard working employers to fill their management positions.

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