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            My goal in the health field is to obtain a BSN degree, and pursue a career as a maternity or NICU nurse. I have always had interest in the health field, even as a child. During my childhood, I remember loving to go to the hospital to visit a grandparent or family member when they were in there. I was intrigued by all the monitors and wires that were hooked up to my loved one, as well as all the doctors and nurses running around the hospital hallways. I also enjoyed watching health shows on television such as "Life in the E.R.", and still currently enjoy them. My mom had a home daycare, so I grew up around children and infants my whole life. Being around children made my heart grow for them, I always wanted to hold them, feed them and even change their diapers. My love and interest for infants and healthcare started at a young age, and has only grown more with me. The combination between the love for children and helping people is what lead me to my decision and goal of becoming a maternity or NICU nurse.
              I am currently a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), and work with elders. I love my job and knowing that I am helping people every day makes me feel happy. Sometime just doing small favors or gestures may not feel like much to me, but for others it means a lot and most are much appreciated. Seeing people happy and smiling after I care for them makes me happy and satisfied, this is why I love my job so much. Nursing is definitely not a job career for everyone. There are many characteristics that all nurses should have. Not only being knowledgeable in the field, but being a loving and caring person is very important when choosing to become a nurse. Which is one of the reasons why I wish to pursue a career as a nurse, I am a patient and caring person with a large heart and I love to help people in any ways possible. I am also a very happy and social person, and just being around people brings joy and smiles to me.

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