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            The Enjoyable Process of Doing Homework.
             Homework has been a time-honored tradition shared amongst students since the beginning of education. It is a process that grows more difficult as higher levels of schooling are achieved. My freshman year of college is proving to be the most difficult year yet. The work is not any harder, It is just the distractions. No matter how determined I am to do my homework, someone always manages to intervene.
             I start by sitting at my desk and opening up the book that contains the particular assignment at hand. Before I even get the opportunity to look over the assignment, my phone rings. My response is always the same; " I"m doing homework, call me later." I re-focus on my homework. Within ten minutes of the first call, the phone rings again. This time I turn the damn thing off. Problem solved, at least so I think. I buckle down now that I finally have some peace and quiet. Halfway through the chapter the inevitable happens. Everyone who has called my phone during the time it was off, stops by my apartment, and it is always the same people-- the ones who think I am screening their calls. These people do not understand that homework is a higher priority than they are. Rather than acknowledging that I am busy and leaving, they stick around. Now I am faced with the challenge of getting the work done with five loud and obnoxious people distracting me. This distraction triples the amount of time it would normally take to do the work. Of course, with all the interruptions, The quality of work drops as well. .
             By the time I finally get the first assignment finished, it is bed time. Now, I am faced with the problem of sleeping or doing more homework. Not so fast. There is a knock at the .
             Simmons 2.
             door. Could I possibly be lucky enough for someone to want to keep me from sleeping and working? Sure enough, someone wants to spend time with me; so I vow to wake up early and finish.

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