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Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Art

            Classical art, medieval art, and renaissance are all three alike in many ways, but they also have their differences. I learned about the ways that these three art forms are similar and different. I hope that you enjoy reading this essay as I did writing it. .
             In both renaissance and classical art, scenes and bodies looked three dimensional. For example, the painting "Venus and Adonis" done in 1550 CE (or AD) by Titian, the artist bathes a hunting scene in colors and light. The main characters are both idealized forms of man and women. Venus, the classical goddess if love, is hunting Adonis, who only wants to escape her pursuit. The bodies look three dimentional. Also in "", by an unknown Roman artist, the people look 3 dimentional. .
             Unlike renaissance and classical art, in medieval art, bodies and scenes appeared flat and 2-D instead of 3-D like the other two periods. Take for example, in the painting "Madonna and Child in Majesty" done in 1280 by the medieval artist Cimabue. Cimabue shows Madonna as a large figure with a wise looking baby/child. All the figures in the painting are stiff clothing. The figures in this painting seem flat and unrealistic. They are very lifeless.
             In the classical and renaissance periods of art, bodies are often nude but can also be clothed. For example, the sculpture "Bathing Venus" by an unknown Roman artist is nude. Then, from the renaissance period, "Venus and Adonis" by Titian in the year 1550 CE on form is clothed and the other one is not. In medieval art, you would never see a person or such without clothing. Medieval artists also made their characters fully clothed so as not to have any nudity. .
             In both classical and medieval art, the artists displayed little background, unlike renaissance art, which had full, deep backgrounds that showed an interest in nature. Take from the medieval period an example, the "Bayeux Tapestry", artists unknown from AD 1082 and even the sculpture "Grave Stele of Hegeso", artist also unknown, from 400 BC.

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