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            The higher-class customers always go to expensive shops usually found at reputable location because they want better quality, more choices which are not found every where. They do not mind paying more for their shopping as they are very brand conscious. Some example of supermarket for the higher class people are like wait rosé, Sainsbury and Asda. The commoner goes to cheaper supermarkets like Tesco, Lidl and Marks Stencer, where they cater for masses for cheap things that they can pay with out pressure and which they can afford to pay. .
             The supermarket sector in the UK is worth £75bn and every effort is made by Britain supermarket to understand why their customer choice of places as to where they decide to go to shop. That is the reason why different change of supermarket compete with each other to collect data about the customer living stander the money they earn and the kind of places they like to go for shopping. .
             Which ever supermarket that understands their own customer best, they will be ones that take a bigger share of the £75bn. Even to the extant this supermarket will compete with each other to gain a share of this industry by a price war. .
             In Britain people choose which supermarket they would like to go depend on their earning power. The percentage of commoner people with low incomes is higher compare to the rich people, so the supermarket tries to caters to this large percentage of this commoner and rich customer by having expensive as well as "value- goods. Different ways of living in the classes shop at different branches of the same chain. Beside class Decor, Music, baking fragrances, price convenience, comfort and location are the other factors determine where other people shop. .
             The problem with the old class based system it is not flexible to changes, because rich customer likes to shop where they are familiar and comfortable at, while the commoner are only interested in places which can only afford cheap.

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