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Opposing the Death Penalty

             The death penalty is a very harsh thing to do to a person. Many people have committed crimes, but is the death penalty the right answer? I believe that it is not. It is morally unjust and it is not a deterrent. Many innocent people have been executed. The death penalty is cruel and inhumane.
             The death penalty puts a bad reputation on our country. We are killing people. Our own citizens. Sure in the bible it says eye for and eye', but why would u punish a crime with another crime. A person killed someone, so you kill them. It doesn't make sense. You are allowed to kill them, but they are not allowed to kill someone. As William Hearst said it "There is no deterrent in the menace of the gallows. Cruelty and viciousness are not abolished by cruelty and viciousness "not even legalized cruelty and viciousness Our penal system has broken down because it is built upon the sand "founded on the basis of force and violence "instead of on than basis of Christian care of our fellowmen, of moral and mental human development, of the conscientious performance by the State of its duty to the citizen. We cannot murder by murder. We must adopt another and better system."".
             Would you liked to be killed for something you did not do? I do not think you would. Many innocent people have been executed. A few years later people found out these people were really innocent. If they were put in jail and not executed, they could be freed. You cannot free the dead. I believe sitting in jail for all your life is a worse crime then dying. Many people in jail would like to die rather then sit. You could put these murders to work, community service, something. Put them to hard work, you can make use out of them, if you kill them, they are no use. .
             In the past there have been many ways of execution. You could hang them, put them in the electric chair, or now the so called humane' thing is lethal injection.

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