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Internet love

             I have had experience from Meghan Duam's essay, "On the Fringes of the Physical World." My experience was really similar to hers so I support on what she has written. After I broke up with my boyfriend of two years because he treated me badly, I was destined to find that "special someone". The first thing that I did, which I regret, was trying to find a sweet guy on the Internet. I went into chat rooms" hours on end at nighttime. It was just something about talking to people on the Internet that makes you so addicted that you don't want to get off. Of course, since you didn't actually see any of these people face to face, they will lie to make themselves sound like they are really good looking or those that think they are the perfect guy. After a good month of the chat rooms, I decided to go on my Internet program's member profiles to search for a good-looking guy. I emailed about five guys brief messages to write me back. About a day or so later I got a few emails. But there was one in particular that I was really happy about getting a positive reply from. His name was Jensen. I wrote him back, giving him my screen name so he can talk to me when I get on .
             Later that night I got an instant message. He told me who he was and that he was glad that I emailed him because he saw my picture on my profile and thought I was a good looking girl with awesome interests. We talked for hours on the internet every day. It's so easy to talk to a guy online because you can say anything you want to because you"re not saying it to their face and you don't get embarrassed. Like in Duam's essay where she explains how it's easy to say things to someone you kind of like on the Internet and you really think you have a strong connection; I know exactly what she meant when she said that. About after two in half weeks of talking to each other on the Internet he asked if he could call me. I was really excited because I actually got to hear his voice for the first time.

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