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Part-time Marriages.

            Almost fifty percent of the people in the United States get a divorce. Perrin argues that a part-time marriage is better because it helps with communicating, helps with the welfare of the children, and helps with the security of each other. Some people think divorce is the worst thing in the world, but in reality it is not. There are some things you can work out such as a part-time marriage revolving around a divorce. .
             One of these things is communications. Communication is the most important thing for a marriage to work out. There are several ways to communicate or to get through to each other. You can take turns with chores or responsibility of the children. "She gardened, and he did his share of the dishes, maybe even baked bread", Perrin, Noel. It can't work if only one parent always does the same thing over and over. They"ll get tired of it and start arguing over it, which will start a fight. Money is another issue you"ll have to work with. One cannot be selfish and keep everything for themselves. For example, one can pay for a bill one week or buy groceries. That is almost like a chore, where you will be taking turns. Lack of communications was part of my mother and father's divorce. They did not communicate very well with chores and especially money. If they were to do so, maybe their marriage would have worked.
             Another thing for a marriage to work are the children. No matter what, the children shall always come first. Parents should always have the best for their children. Parents should be able to work with their children and a busy schedule. For instance, a parents" child is involved in an after-school activity or has a doctor's appointment. There is a reason for the parents to communicate to find out who is going to do what for the child. If it is a part-time marriage, "he never stays the full night, because, good parents that they are, they don't want the children to get any false hopes-as they would, seeing their father at breakfast", Perrin, Noel.

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