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             This article is about how renting movies online is being made available to consumers. Movie companies are teaming up with Movie Link to offer more to customers. They will focus on enhancing customer service so that it will not be such a hassle to go to the site and download a free movie. There will be a wide variety of free movies offered to attract more customers to the site. Although download time can be frustrating, they will be working to make downloading more efficient. You can get a movie on the computer through their site and rent it for a nominal fee. You will have 30 days in which to watch the movie. After start of the movie you will have 24 hours to watch it. The target is for people that like the convenience of having the option to do it right from their own PCs, without having to go out and purchase the movie. Only PC users will have the ability to do this. .
             Short term I think this will take off and go well especially as more people get the information on downloading the movies. It will be like downloading music and being able to store the music on your computer. However, if you wanted to have the movie as part of your collection, you would need to get a DVD burner. For those aware it could prove to be a convenience. I would question the cost factor of doing this due to the time involved and the supplies you would need to copy the movies. The more and more downloaded on a computer the more space utilized which in the long term may cause a need for newer computer systems. There will be many other companies trying to get in on this, not to mention those of us that are able to find particular movies and download without a fee. In the long term, I think that this will catch on just like the music sites of being able to download the various songs and artists to your computer. The quality is not the same as buying the cd out right but it is very cost efficient. The biggest problem is the time factor involved with downloading the movies, what value is that to each particular consumer.

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