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american revolution

             The American Revolution represented a radical alteration in American political ideas and institutions. American thinkers and political leaders came up with new ideas about what democracy should look like. They also created new institutions to carry out the day to day implementation of those larger ideals. These alterations were non-existent prior to 1775. One of the more radical statements of these ideals was the Declaration of Independence. A more in depth and itemized extension of these beliefs was stated in the Bill of Rights. America had formed two big political parties, the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans. The American Revolution was a great social movement toward democracy and equality.
             In 1781-1789 the Articles of Confederation was the base of American government. Under the Articles of Confederation there was only 1 vote in congress for each state. As far as the union of states went, this agreement provided only a loose alliance between the states. There was no congressional power to levy taxes, and no federal courts. In 1789-1790, when the Constitution of the United States was put in place, each state received 2 votes in the House of Representatives. The laws were also executed by a powerful president. There was ample power to enforce laws by coercion of individuals and to some extent of states. Before the American Revolution, America had no formal superstructure to govern itself. It was simply many colonies co-existing apart from each other. .
             The Declaration of Independence was probably the most radical alteration in political ideas and institutions. It sought to establish a reason for the colonies breaking away from England. In lofty and passionate language, the framers of the Declaration appealed to "truths that were self-evident." By declaring that their "unalienable rights" had been violated, they were justified in their rebellion. The high ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were what made man what he was meant to be.

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