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             Waterford is a small town on the outskirts of metro Detroit, exit 93 off Interstate-75. Neighboring is the quaint town of Clarkston and similar to us city of West Bloomfield. The upper class citizens of Waterford often refer to their hometown as "Watertuckey", usually thinking of the abundance of lower class folk. It is these so called "white trash" human beings that tend to give Waterford a bad name. Robberies, murder, theft, and drugs in general seem to stem from these people. Not to say that everyone with an income of less than say $30,000 is white trash. It just seems the criminals in our town usually come from backgrounds of such. In the following paragraphs I will discuss Waterford's claim to fame, the urban white person.
             A man sits outside his front porch in a lawn chair bought from the K-Mart down the street. He wears the wife beater style of T-Shirt you may or may not be familiar with. White male age 23, farmers tan from the blazing sun and a tattoo on his shoulder extending to his lower forearm. The time is 2:30 P.M. on a Wednesday afternoon in mid July. He's been awake nearly an hour before the fellow cracks open a cold Budweiser. Recently the man was fired from his job at the local Taco Bell. Now he lives completely off his parents, possibly selling some dope in the meantime. .
             This is just typical of the town of Waterford. It's the common upbringing of a child in our environment. Many of them never have ambition to get out of the mess. Instead they choose to live their meager lives in the neighborhood's they were raised in. Just 3 months into my college career I go home and take a look at my old friends. Some have secure jobs, most don't. I see very few of them ever advancing to the point where they will move out of town. It's a sad sight to behold but it's their decisions to make. I couldn't live in this environment any longer and a man should know when it's time to get out. I just feel lucky I had the opportunity to abandon that lifestyle.

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