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             I have several interests, but recently I have begun to do research and experiment with Herbs. I have always found it fascinating on how modern medicine came to be through the use of herbs. People as far back as the early 1400's were using herbs to heal themselves and family members. Not that I want to go around healing my family and friends in this way I just believe that there are some aliments that can be treated the natural way instead of by drugs. .
             So this began my journey into the world of herbs. First I went on the Internet to see if I could find any websites or information. I did find quite a few mostly ones that told you how to grow them or dry them but none that could help me to understand what each one was and it's uses. After many hours of looking I finally stumbled upon a site that believe it or not was for the practice of witchcraft "Wicca" to be exact. After a many hours of scan different pages I finally found what I had been looking for and more. Not only did I find the names, pictures and uses of huge variety of herbs, but I also found recipes and instructions on how to make soaps, teas, bath salts, lotions and scented oils.
             The site recommended several books for beginners. I decided on "Today's Herbal Health" the essential reference guide by Louise Tenney, M.H. This book is amazing not only does it give an history of herbs and their uses it also gives you reference to what aliment the herbs can heal. I also found recipes on the internet from A-Z. Once I started reading I learned how to get started what I would need to prepare my alchemy of herbs. .
             Turrentine 2.
             After making out a list of the herbs I would need for my first experiment I went to a local herb shop that sold herbs by the ounce which was very inexpensive. My first experiment was making an infusion which is an extract made from herbs with medicinal constituents in their flowers, leaves and stems.

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