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            Regardless of anyone's feelings about an embryos" or fetuses" rights or of women, sex and responsibility or of God, Karma or of the Bible, one cannot over look the fact that women have always used abortion to prevent child birth and always will. No matter what other think, women will turn to abortion as a last resort. If abortion is illegal, it is unsafe and dangerous therefore it must be kept legal and accessible to ensure the safety of the women.
             Making abortion illegal has little effect on the number of abortions performed and there is evidence from all over the world that shows this. In the 1930's there were thousands of criminal abortions in the United States and Canada. The number of births dropped by about half, as women refused to bring children into a depressed economy. These women resorted to dangerous illegal abortions to end their pregnancies. Due to this, about 2500 women died every year from abortion complications, making up for one in four maternal deaths. From 1950 to 1965 in the US alone, there were over 250 abortion related deaths reported each year. At the time illegal abortions were approximately two to three times more dangerous than a legal abortions and " simple calculations show the there were at least 500,000 illegal abortions each year."(Sykes) Is a women's life worth less than that of her unborn baby? A women is going to have an abortion whether it is legal or not, if that is her choice. Why not make it as safe as possible for her? Present day changes in the law have produced a mortality rate from legal abortions to be almost zero, " and abortion accounts for only 3% of maternal deaths."(Sykes) It is clear that legal abortions yield much less maternal deaths than that .
             of illegal abortions. If saving lives is the issue than allowing women to have a choice in the matter seems to be the only answer.
             It is also true that, women whose own health is compromised during pregnancy are more likely to miscarry and to deliver babies who are sick.

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