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            What are morals? A big question mark that has no specific answer. All what one can hear are different ideas, but the core of it is the same. What is the core? The core of these ideas or guesses of the answer is that morals are something good. But what is good for me is not necessarily good for you as well, and that's the point. This is what makes moral controversial issue. I've always said that being good doesn't mean that you are not bad, but I"ll elaborate more on this later. What makes a thing morally justified is that it is beneficial for the majority of people, for example not taking other's belonging is morally justified act because it doesn't harm others. But let's imagine that the majority of people are thieves, would stealing be morally justified? The answer is yes because it would be beneficial for the majority of people. It would be very hard if we tried to imagine a society where stealing is the moral act and not taking other's belongings is the immoral one. Would you find all members of the society doing this moral act, stealing? Or would be some of them immoral, those who don't take other belongings? The answer is that there would be immoral members in this imaginary society; the reason is that we, human beings, have a tendency to break rules and not like being obliged to do things. This brings us to a very important point, which is issue of obligation. We have person who doesn't steal because he is afraid of being caught and thus imprisoned versus a thief who didn't steal that old lady because she looked too poor and sick in a moral comparison. According to my definition, the first person is immoral at all, while the thief is moral in this particular case. Because if I were to define a moral act to be, I"d say a moral act is the non-obligatory act that is beneficial to the majority of people or harmless to the people in whole. I said earlier that being good doesn't mean that you are bad, although the first man in the previous case ap!.

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