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Homosexuals In Politics

             Homosexuality is exhibiting sexual desire towards another of the same sex. What does this have to do with politics? You would be surprised how many politicians today are homosexual and if they are not homosexual themselves, there are many that fight for their rights. Some look at homosexuality as being just an alternative lifestyle or a disorder that they are born with. The opposing opinion is that it is sinful, evil, or just morally wrong. .
             In Leviticus 18 it calls homosexuality "abomination." God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because it was perverted beyond belief. Some Christians take these verses to an extreme, they will scream vulgar obscenities at them and tell them they are going straight to hell and God can never forgive them. There was one case where a man was beaten and dragged behind a truck until he was dead for the mere fact he was a homosexual. .
             There are over 20 open homosexuals in different offices in the United States today. They range from congressmen and women to city council members. Many more run under a platform of some sort for civil or human rights in favor of homosexuality. Many people believe that politicians fight for gay rights just to gain votes.
             Tammy Baldwin is a congresswoman who is openly gay and defends her sexuality through organizations and pride marches. At the Millenium March in Washington on April 30 2000, she gave a speech where she was quoted saying "I was at the point in my life where I had just realized that I did not have to choose between being honest about who I am and pursuing the career of my dreams. I could do both." She also said: "NEVER DOUBT that Congress will pass legislation that expands the definition of hate crimes. NEVER DOUBT that the states will grant us equal rights, including all the rights afforded couples through marriage. NEVER DOUBT that we will enact legislation ensuring non-discrimination in the workplace. NEVER DOUBT that America will one day realize that her gay, bisexual, and transgender sons and daughters want nothing more -- and nothing less -- than the rights accorded every other citizen.

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