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Song Of A Humming Bird

            Having read the book "Song of a Hummingbird", I have had the privilege to read such a book with lots of ethnic, ethic, and religious issues at hand, and the struggle for a womans identity.
             There are a couple of issues that I found myself in tune with and in agreement. One of the topics was that of the religious inquisition. My religious preference is not that of the Indigenous people or Catholic but I am and feel more compelled by the experience of the Indigenous people and their beliefs. In this story, Huitzitzilin deals with wanting to share the story of her life and to reveal the truth of the Spaniards conquest and having to stick to the confession standards and practices. I do not agree with the indigenous beliefs of Gods but I really appreciated the statement made by Huitzitzilin when she expressed how the Catholics wanted her Gods to vanish yet Catholics continue to idol worship. I also think the way Huitzitzilin expressed how the Catholic religion would force them to chant and recite prayers that they did not understand; the repetition of prayers went in vain when the Mexicas would recite them as Huitzitzilin explained. This in my belief is something that continues to this day, I know Catholics who have no idea what they are praying to or why but they just know that it has to be done in order to live up to the Catholic religion. This book explains just how Spaniards invaded the Mexicas and imposed their religion without real explanation and with high expectations especially from women. I noticed that in regards to Father Benito he would not like to hear Huitzitzilin mention her fornications and sexual encounters and when he would, he would seem to condemn her only for the sin and make no regards to the men in the act. I also remember that when Huitzitzilin confessed to having killed Captain Ovando the priest was confused about whether Huitzitzilin had to be punished; however when Huitzitzilin mentions about how Spaniards killed thousands of people father Benito does not even think or reflect of whether the Spaniards were punished or not yet continues to force his religious beliefs on her.

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