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Unwanted Pregnancies

            There are many problems in today's society.
             Some teenagers are sexually active and are not seeking birth control help.
             because they are concerned that their parents will find out or will not agree for them .
             to be sexually involved. Most young people begin having sex in their mid- to- late.
             teens. The overall U. S. teenage pregnancy rate declined 17% between 1990 and 1996.
             from117 pregnancies per 1,ooo women aged 15 -19 to 97 per 1,000.
             Teens who get pregnant feel that they have no alternative but to drop out of school.
             7 in 10 teen mothers complete high school, but they are less likely than woman who delay.
             childbearing to go on to college. The reason for drop out is that some of the family .
             members make them feel ashamed, telling the girl that she is a disgrace to the family.
             Sometime the girl might not have the proper clothes, shoes, and even money to buy her.
             the things that she need. Girls could be belittled by the baby's father who may be young .
             as well. Another reason a teen girl would drop out of school is, she may have sickness.
             that causes her to not be able to function properly in her studies.
             In some cases teens and parents are not taught anything about sex and pregnancy.
             Parents and children are not comfortable discussing this matter with each other. A lot.
             of organizations serve parents and teens, educating them about teen pregnancy. The.
             more parents understand the topic themselves, the better chance they have to teach their.
             teens. At these places both the teen and parent are taught contraceptive usage.
             9 in 10 sexually active women and their partners use a contraceptive method, .
             although not always consistently or correctly.
             A lot of teens turn to having abortion. There could be several reasons that this .
             takes place. One could be feeling guilty, afraid, ashamed, and could have gotten pregnant .
             due to being rape. Another reason might be than parents or family members of either of .
             the young teen makes this suggestion to the teens.

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