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Personality Disorders

             Punishment and negative reinforcement are not the same. Punishment can lead to negative reinforcement, for example, if a child is getting spanked that is meant by the parent to decrease a certain child's behavior, then, the child is receiving punishment. But if the child is getting spanked and then he/she does something to stop the spanking the behavior that stops the shock is considered to be negatively reinforced. During punishment the behavior is apt to decrease but in the second it is going to increase because of the negative reinforcement. .
             b. By definition positive reinforcer is a stimulus added to the environment that brings about an increase in a preceding response. If the parent wants the child to stop complaining they can for example take way his TV privileges and teach the child to appreciate the things he has and show him that is worse people in world. If the child is old enough putting him/her on a part time job would teach the child how hard is to earn money and will make him/her appreciate the things they have and they will stop complaining.
             c. To teach a person to drool when they word "elephant" is said we for example use Observational Learning. A major part of human learning consists of Observational learning which is defined as the learning though observing the behavior of another person called a mode. During this process the person will pay attention and perceive the most critical features of the models behavior in this case we will have a model drooling when the word elephant is mention. Secondly the person will remember the behavior then reproduce the action (drooling) and finally the person has to be motivated to learn and carry out the behavior. In order for the behavior to be carried out the consequence of this behavior (drooling) have to be awarding. If the person observes that model is given 100$ every time she drools when the word elephant is said then that person will be more likely to imitate the model's behavior.

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