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Pretty Woman

            The film that I choose to review is Pretty Woman starring Julia Roberts. This film is a classic illustration of love and.
             the role that it plays in people's lives, it uses a unique approach to the classic "Love Story". The movie came out in 1990 and was considered to be a romantic comedy. It was.
             written by J.F. Lawton and directed by Garry Marshall. This film starts out with Julia Roberts playing the role of a girl named Vivian, .
             who lives with her best friend named Kit De Luca, they are both working on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angelas as prostitutes.
             When one night they are hiding from the land lord cause they couldnt afford to pay the rent. Kit has a little problem with drug abuse and .
             that is what she spent the money on. So that night they are standing on the street and this really hot car pulls up. Initially he.
             is only asking for directions, so Vivian jumps in the car and says for twenty bucks I take you their. After arriving at the hotel.
             Edward Lewis a very prestigous business man gets out of the car and tells her thank you and to have a good night. She then starts to wait for the bus .
             and he invites her up. It is at this point that their relationship first sparks, you can tell that they have a special bond and then the .
             next morning he hires her to become and employee to be "at his beck and call". Vivian is thrilled accepts the job, and steals .
             his heart in the process. Through out the week they attend several events, dinners, and business gatherings together.
             Edward treats Vivian better then anyone has every treated her in her life he teaches her that she is so much more then what.
             she is currently doing, he takes her shopping, buys her nice things, and treats her like a princess. They fall in love but .
             unfortunatley Edward is supposted to return back to New York to continue his business. But after Vivian leaves him and goes.
             home he realises that they are inseperalable. This film comes across to it audience in three major ways, random, realistic, and.

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