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Team Dynamics and Different Approaches


             Team Dynamics.
             Different Approaches.
             Everyone is breathing a little easier now. But, how did this journey begin. Just as there are many different types of subjects that can be researched. There are also many different approaches that the team will take to make the "final" project successful. Research, rough drafts, peer reviews and vast discussions over and over are all components needed to visualize the light at the end of the tunnel.
             First, in team dynamics, deciding on a topic is imperative. Being familiar or having some idea on the related subject matter is a great place to start. When working as a team, each member is required to bring not only their idea, but commitment to the project is needed. When each person does his/her share, the team"s reward is great. .
             After deciding on a topic, the division of work should be the next step. Organization of responsibilities is needed. However, the team members should first be given the opportunity to volunteer for areas that they feel comfortable. Each team member should recognize both their strengths, along with their weaknesses, which will make the division of work a smoother process for everyone. .
             With the ever advancements in technology, research styles have certainly changed in recent years. No longer are long evenings spent at the library necessary. Looking for articles via micro-fiche, and some high school students do not know what a card catalog or the Dewey decimal system is. Technology has definitely changed the way research is done. When working as team, and all the team members are scattered in different places and different time zones, physically coming to together as a group other than with the use of the internet is virtually impossible. The internet has become a method of bringing students together from everywhere. The on-line experience allows each team member to voice his/ her opinions relating to the topic chosen.

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