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            Prejudice is judging someone by their appearance. This is a common practice that humans perform. People are not only ridiculed for their color, as many might consider, when thinking of "prejudice", but also for many other things. Some of them including your age and sex.
             In the last three and a half decades, racism has taken a dramatic turn. During the 60s many civil rights programs were created to protect the African Americans. After the Civil War, many rights were legally established for the blacks. Now, the black community is not only being increasingly respected by Caucasians, but they are also being idolized by millions of people all over the world, or all different races. The most popular watched sport in America, NBA basketball, is played by over 87% of the African decent. Men and women's rights in society have never been equal. Though many American citizens would agree women have less rights than men, in some cases that can be beneficial, including times of the war and working days (before the world war), when women rarely worked out of their house. But for all of humanity's society, women have been taken advantage of due to their physical disadvantage under men. However, sex issues of today are decreasing, but sexism will never diminish to the point of complete equality.
             Prejudice is a result of fear and ignorance. The only way that we can stop prejudice is not to allow it go on any longer than it already has. If people would just look at it as being wrong allot of tension in the world would go away. .

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