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Requiring Students to Wear Uniforms


            Some people believe that requiring students to wear school uniforms would be a violation of individual rights and not help the school environment at all. Others say uniforms will benefit students. High school students should be required to wear uniforms. First, uniforms will help disciple the students. For example, uniforms will make students focus more, instead of worrying about their clothes. "As fashion and trends change, students become more concerned with how they look and how they are perceived than they do with their academic success and achievement" (Duvall et al. 2004). Grades will improve because students will be focused on schoolwork, not on what classmates are wearing. Students will be dressed more professionally giving them a lot of self-confidence and self-disciple. "Students have also lost the professionalism involved with education; students do not feel that school is a place of work but rather a place to hang out with friends and socialize" (Duvall et al. 2004). Uniforms can also increase student's manners and make them more respectful toward their fellow classmates. Uniforms can make a huge impact in not only the student, but also the school. Schools that encourage students to wear uniforms can reflex a positive outlook in their academic and behavior status. Students who feel equal, and have one less worry about how hectic the schools social life is now and days can provide a lot more to the school as well as their grades. .
             Second, uniforms can have a decrease the bullying that goes on in some schools. Uniforms will stop bullying because they promote a sense of equality. Students often feel discriminated when the attend school, because of what they decided to wear to school that day. Students will feel more comfortable going to school knowing other students won't pick them on. Some of the wealthier students with better clothes can pick on and exclude some students who have cheaper clothes making them not want to put as much effort into their school work.

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