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            The controvercial topic of euthanasia has been reviewed through out the past century by people from all walks of life. There are different types of euthanasia, one is passive and the other is active. Either way, the actual definition of euthanasia is, "The act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment." (dictionary.com). Passive euthanasia is the act or lack there of, helping someone survive. In California there are DNR or do not recesitate laws that prevent medical care givers form acting on a patient that does not want to be saved. (American Red Cross) This type of euthanasia is far different from active because no one is helping another person die. Active euthanasia is the real problem. Although this act is legal in other countries like Canada, it is illegal in most states here. One state here where it is legal is Oregon. Here in California it is illegal and should continue to stay that way for multiple reasons. While some may argue that it is a controlled way to stop suffering, there are other answers and other ways to gain control of life. .
             Euthanasia should be illegal across the United States and should continue to be illegal in California. Euthanasia is an easy way out for people struggling from diseases or incurable condition. It is selfish and some aspects of it are subjective. The practice of euthanasia can be an alternative to suicide. "Some are severely depressed over a long interval. To them, suicide may be a "permanent solution to a temporary problem"" (www.religioustolerance.org). This isn't a realistic act because suicide is still an option for those who are struggling. A doctor is not the only person who can halt life. It is selfish because the person who is receiving assisted death is leaving others behind. There are and average of four people who are dramatically affected by someones suicide.

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