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"Does every child have the right to life, discuss with refer


            At the present legislators and scientists are having a preference for the "pro-life" position. However, what does the Bible say about the beginning of life? When does life begin? At birth or at conception? Politicians, scientists, pro-life forces all agree that the answer to the abortion question hinges on this distinction.
             Politicians are now introducing legislation to define life as beginning at conception. It is a good piece of legislation and should go far toward protecting the life of an unborn. Yet can a Christian rest his beliefs on such legislation? In the past, governing bodies in the United States have passed not only dangerous but humorous legislation at times. For example, in the Pine Island District of Minnesota, a man must tip his hat when passing a cow.? The California penal code prohibits the shooting of any animal, except a whale, from an automobile. The list of ridiculous is nearly endless. Thus we cannot assume that legislators are right or put a great deal of thought into their aims.
             However, scientists now confirm that the fetus is a living human being. Fetologists argue that shortly after conception a fetus is a separate, treatable patient from the mother. It is true that science is now confirming opinions many Christians have held for a long time. But a Christian's opinion is not ultimately based on scientific evidence. What does the Bible say about the beginning of life?.
             This is the question that has to be addressed in order to determine whether a child has a right to life. However the question is based on does "every child" have a right to life, in which case various situations where a child might not be allowed a right to live may arise. In such an instance of rape, does the child have a right to life? One would argue the case for the mother, surely she has the right over her own body and her welfare overrules the child of the rapist? If a birth will result in the mother's death, does she not have the right to abort?.

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