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            Euthanasia or better known as mercy killing, is a practice of ending a life so as to release an.
             individual life from an incurable disease or intolerable suffering. This term is sometimes used.
             generally to refer to an easy or painless death. Voluntary Euthanasia involves a request by the dying.
             patient or that person's legal representative. Passive or negative euthanasia involves taking deliberate.
             action to cause a death. There are many pro's and con's to Euthanasia, however it can be split into three.
             areas, the bible, medical ethics and peoples own personal reflection on the deep moral issue.
             When people are confronted with a moral dilemma, many turn to religion and the bible. Euthanasia.
             violates Christian beliefs, as Catholics Euthanasia is believed to be morally wrong because it is the.
             destruction of life. The church believes that God gives people life for a reason and is the only one allowed.
             taking away a life, for human life is sacred. "As a church we definitely say "no" to assisted suicide.
             because we say "yes" to life-from the first moment of conception until our last natural breath. Suicide in.
             any form prevents us from fulfilling the plan God intended for us when we were given life" The church.
             sees Euthanasia as murder which breaks the sixth commandment "thou shall not kill". Which is.
             essentially what a person is doing when assisting someone to commit suicide. The church believes that.
             through pain and suffering a person can find faith and learn to love God.
             Today, technology such as respirators and artificial kidney machines have made it possible to keep people.
             alive for long periods of time when they are permanently unconscious or brain dead. There are also.
             situations in which the person is clinically dead. At this time it is legal to turn off a patient's life support.
             system, with the permission of the family. However, if a patient asks his or her doctor to give him or her a.
             quick painless death the doctor has no right to follow through on that action.

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