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Married Couples


            Many nuptials have relationship problems. Some nuptials work their problems out and some end up getting a divorce. What causes most nuptial to get a divorce? A parsimonious set of marital problems that lead to divorce are, a spouse spending money foolishly, infidelity, and substance abuse. .
             One of the first causes of marital problems would be the improper use of financial funds. When a spouse spends money foolishly without consulting the other it leads to financial problems. This brings trouble trying to pay bills, because of insufficient funds in the household. This eventually brings stress to the relationship. As a result of the spouse spending money foolishly there would be no funds to feed their family. A spouse spending money foolishly can lead to them going bankrupt. Researchers cited marital problems involve disagreement over money (Burns, 1984; Cleek &Pearson, 1985; Kitson, 1992). Many nuptials do not know how to manage their money. This is one of the causes that lead to divorce. .
             The second cause of divorce is infidelity. When a spouse is unfaithful it brings problems to the relationship. Extramarital sex was prominent in eight of the nine studies summarized by Kitson, Babri, and Roach (1985); making it the most commonly cited cause of divorce. Infidelity can make a spouse loose their mind, and start to think crazy thoughts of suicide. Children are often affected by infidelity, because it brings confrontation in their household environment. This will really affect the children in an outside environment, for instance, in school their grades will start to drop and they will have trouble focusing. Children will also grow up most likely being a victim of infidelity and think that it is okay because they saw it going on in their household. When a spouse is a victim of infidelity, they are most likely to blame their self. This also leads to the nuptials getting a divorce.

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