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What is the best age to be?


             The question we all may ask ourselves time and time again. What is the best age to be? In my opinion that is a question that will always be left unanswered. The life span approach emphasizes developmental change is throughout adulthood as well as childhood. Our developmental changes in life all play a significant role to make us who we shall become in each period of our lifelong human growth process. As a 24 year old female in chronological age speaking as well as life experiences. I cannot really choose a specific age group that would be best in the life span age scale of development mentally, physically, and socioemotionally, because I have not yet reached certain age periods of life span development.
             From reading and research I agree with our biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes of human beings are intertwined and bidirectional. Each of these processes influence who we are, who we are going to be, and who we want to be. All of these concepts direct how we and what we will experience in life. Biologically, cognitively, and socioemotionally speaking prepares us for living. Our genes we inherit from parents as a individual in our physical nature is a process that we may never understand in our growing. Our changes in thought, intelligence, and language. Our changes in individual relationships with other people, changes in emotions, and changes in personality all interact together to make us who we are as people.
             Taking these factors in consideration the probable age I would say is best is middle adulthood. The ages 40 to 60 yrs I feel that is a period of development you are pretty well set in accomplishing your goals, having a career, mature enough to make the right decisions in handling any situation you may experience, and most important being able to prepare or assisting the next generation in becoming competent. At this point in life you should be well set of in what you are going to be as an individual.

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