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Lord of the flies


            William Golding's novel, Lord of the Flies is all about a conflict between good and evil. When a group of young English schoolboys ends up on an unidentified island without any adult survivors, they build a society of their own. They elect Ralf and intelligent Piggy as their leaders. At first, the society seems to be under Ralf's control. However, as the time passes, Jack, who likes fun and games, forms a group that represents the dark side of the society. .
             When Ralf is elected as the leader, he makes up all kinds of rules and regulations that might help in building a better society. All the boys follow his rules and command. However, when there is good, there is evil. Jack distracts the boys by leading them intofuns and games? which involves killing pigs and later on, killing people. The countergroup of Jack's war-paints their faces and turns their backs on Ralf.
             Later on, the countergroup settles on their own. Ralf senses a big danger coming. Gradually, the boys ignore Ralf's calls to the assembly and the rules. This shows the rise of the evil and the fall of the good. The evils, who seem to rule the society, become superstitious. They place a pig's head on a stick, which represents the evil, in front of a cave. The cave is believed to have a beast inside among the boys. However, all the moans and grumbles were coming from a pilot, who survived the plane-wreck. Also, the pig's head foreshadows the titleLord of the Flies? since the pig's head attracts a lot of flies. .
             As the uproar of the evils get worse, the good characters become fewer. There are only threegood? boys left at this point, which are Piggy, Simon, and Ralf. However, Simon, who knows the truth about the injured pilot in the cave, is murdered by the evils. Ralf is in a great depression due to his loss and soon faces another tragic when his only good friend Piggy is killed by a big rock pushed by the countergroup. Ralf has no hope and as the only good one left, he runs away from the evils.

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