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             Many things throughout a persons life makes them happy. Everything from a new car to a red sugary lollipop can bring a smile of joy to a persons face. But what truly makes a person happy? Does it change over time? Does it differ from one person to the next? Where is it found? Is happiness a delusion? .
             Throughout my life the things that bring me happiness have changed. I used to think that if I could be someone important and "fit the mold" of a specific person then all the happiness in the world would be mine. I realized that what makes me happy isn't what makes everyone else happy and that I couldn't compare myself to the "mold" or other people. A person's own object of desire is like a fingerprint; no two people share all the same objects or goals of happiness. Part of knowing what makes you happy as an individual is growing up and finding yourself. .
             When I was young I had to have every article of clothing from Limited Too, a gaudy young girls clothing store. If I didn't have the perfect wardrobe from the hottest store I saw no point in getting up in the morning. I now realize that simple objects alone can't make you happy. The feeling of being desired, loving someone, flattery, the joy of others, acceptance of those important to you, friends, achievements, trips, the unknown, boyfriends (sometimes), and being yourself make a person happy. Things you do and the emotions you feel are the prime goals of happiness. I"d rather experience happiness through these things rather than from the material objects in life. I"m not saying that I don't appreciate and love my new 4Runner because it does make me happy but I was happy before and I would have been happy without it. Other non-material things could .
             have made me just as happy and other non-material things can take away your balance of happiness at a moments notice.
             Some people delude themselves by thinking that certain things will make them happy.

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