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Game addiction


             Attention getter: Remember back when you were younger. You and your friends were playing Video games. Always wanting to play the newest games. Ever thought of this as a Disease. Ever thought of it is an addiction.
             B. Thesis statement: When a game is used regularly over a period of time, the user can become addicted.
             C. Related topic to audience: Think of something you do all the time. Something that could be considered addicting.
             D. Establish Creditability: I first thought about doing this report on game addiction, when I noticed that I am addicted to computer video games. I became very interested in learning more on this when my wife brought this up.
             E. Previous main points: Today, I want you to know about an addiction a lot of teens and adults have. Video games addiction hasn't been proven to be life threatening, but it really isn't good for your health.
             2. Body.
             I. Main point #1: Addiction.
             a. Accustomed: inclined to the pursuit, practice, or taking of anything.
             b. Type's of addiction (Drugs, gambling, and gaming).
             c. How bad is game addiction in the world.
             II. Main point #2: Signs and Symptoms.
             a. Lack of sleep.
             b. Nothing matters to you besides the games.
             III. Conclusion:.
             a. Restatement of theses: .
             In conclusion, I have informed you of a rare known addiction.
             b. Review of main points: .
             I have made you aware of addictions, signs and symptoms, and how to get help with a gaming addiction.
             c. Parting thought: .
             I hope this speech has made you aware of another addiction.
             Remember back when you were younger. You and your friends were playing video games. Always wanting to play the newest games. Ever thought of this as a disease. Ever thought of it as an addiction. When a game is used regularly over a period of time, the user can become an addiction. Think of something you do all the time. Something that could be considered addicting.

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