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            Stereotyping is taking a description of an individual and applying it to a group as a .
             The media has the power to stereotype and to change the views of its audience. It can .
             perpetuate a sterotype of a certain group in which it causes an indefinite perspective that the .
             viewers will remember and apply to real life. Also the media can reflect a given stereotype or .
             give evidence that one has acted in a given way. The media perpetuates many stereotypes of an .
             assorted number of groups. To be an Italian, Jock, or Homosexual in this era you have certain.
             expectations of how you are supposed to act, and look like. The majority of the Italian people.
             have been forgotten by the media. Italians are recognized in America as greasy-haired, .
             gangster, maffiosos. The media perpetuated this stereotype through movies such as Goodfellas.
             and The Godfather. Athletes are known to most as stupid, violent, egotistical people who get.
             by on their athletic ability alone. The media has drawn this picture using commercials and.
             isolated incidents. To be a homosexual man in America means to be feminine, permiscious, and.
             the bearer of the aids virus. This stereotype has been spawned by the media's constant.
             misrepresentation of homosexuals on tv, and movies. Without the media would we still have.
             these steryotypes? .
             Men (jocks) are steryotyped to be dumb and to be violent. When it comes to jocks.
             being dumb the media perpetuates them as to not passing school, having no morals, and only.
             caring about their athletic achievments. Statistics prove that the media is not always correct.
             when it comes to jocks being steryptyped as dumb. For example Duke prides itself as a.
             college that has all of it's athletic basketball players who stay four years to graduate. They take.
             pride in this statistic because they are the only college to do this. One of their basketball.
             players being a shenendehowa graduate Greg Koubek. All jocks are not as dumb as the.

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