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Rocking-Horse Winner


            In the short story "The Rocking Horse Winner," D.
             Lawrence uses his characters as symbols in support of the.
             theme, that innocence cannot survive when confronted with.
             greed and selfishness. This theme is prominent twice in the.
             story. First the theme is shown through the corruption of.
             Paul, leading him to push himself to extremes which.
             ultimately lead to the second, and more horrifying example,.
             his death. According to one critic, this story proves to be.
             "Lawrence's strongest indictment of materialism, and the.
             strongest demonstration of the incompatibility of the love.
             of money and the love of human beings"(Kaplan 1972).
             Paul is a symbol of innocence. He is a child, and,.
             through their inexperience of the world and their.
             surroundings, children are innocent. In the beginning of the.
             story, Paul starts to question his mother about their lack.
             of money, in the pursuit of somehow understanding his.
             mother's unhappiness. It is a futile mission to begin with,.
             but in his innocence, Paul does not realize this. At this.
             point in the story, the mother makes her biggest mistake.
             She tells Paul that luck is what "causes you to have money.
             If you are lucky, you have money"(320). Paul then begins to.
             believe that by becoming lucky, or making money, he can make.
             his mother happy, and therefore gain his mother's love. In.
             the words of Frank Anon, Paul thus becomes a "victim" of his.
             mother's rationale (222-234). Another critic notes that Paul.
             should be a child who is secure in his mother's love, so.
             that he is able to seek relationships outside of his family,.
             and instead he is arrested in his development (Kaplan 1972).
             The mother is a symbol of unquenchable greed. She feels.
             that they are the "poor members of the family," as she tells.
             Paul (320). In fact, this is not so. The family has a nice.
             house, a garden and servants. They felt "superior to anyone.
             in the neighborhood" (319). The problem lies in the.
             expensive tastes of the mother without sufficient means to.

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