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             He, for that shall be his assumed title, wasn't having a good day. They teased him because his jacket was torn on the sleeve, his shoes were old and dirty, or because he didn't have a backpack. They had nice clothes and backpacks, why shouldn't He? It wasn't his fault that his mother couldn't get a job, or his father was a drunk. Why were they harassing him? Sometimes He couldn't understand why they were provoked to do such acts against him. They obviously weren't the most perfect people in the world either. However, there were many more of them than there were of him. When the bolder ones pushed and shoved him, the others stood around and watched, laughing with smirks of contempt on their faces. He noticed there were so many of them. So few of him. One is the loneliest number. Eventually it ended and the bell rang, heralding the end of the day; the end of the torture. He walked home, did his homework, went to sleep and woke to a new day ahead. A normal day ahead.
             When the Jews were persecuted, as they have been several times in history, it was because they believed in a religion different from a religion that everyone else believed in. At the time of their persecution, the Jews were not the majority of the population. Since they were so small in number, a larger group had no trouble taking advantage of them. When that larger group saw the Jews, they interpreted them as vulnerable because they were small in number and they were different in following another religion. Thus they were taken advantage of by the rest of the world.
             He was an anomaly. He was like the Jews; small in number and small in parity. The bullies pushed and shoved him because he was not normal; He was not the same as the them, who were the majority. Normalcy is to employ upon ones self characteristics employed by the majority of the people involved, whether it be clothing, religion, politics, or any type of variable subject.

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