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             The theory of evolution, as set forth by Charles Darwin in 1859, stated that all plant and animal life evolved .
             over long periods of time from simple to more complicated forms through mutation and adaptation. He .
             also taught that only the fittest of each species would survive. He further postulated that the first living cell .
             evolved in a "warm warm little pond" and that it took billions of years for the present diversity of living .
             things to evolve. At the time, it was thought that the few "missing links" in the fossil record would be soon .
             filled.(Darwin, 1927 ). Today, however, there is today a considerable body of scientific evidence that .
             refutes this entire theory. The findings of the last 50 years both deny the possibility of Darwin's .
             theory and make a very good case for creationism. Creationism is the belief that all of life came into being .
             suddenly, that it still exists in much the same form, and that the earth is much younger than Darwin .
             thought. The Law of Biogen!.
             esis states that life only comes from life. The Harvard University Nobel Prize winner (in physiology and .
             medicine) George Wald wrote(1954) that "the reasonable view was to believe in spontaneous generation," .
             (evolution). He said "the only alternative is to believe in a single, primary act of supernatural creation," .
             and "there is no third position." He explains the impossible odds of spontaneous generation, and yet .
             refuses to accept the alternative. Later, he attempted to find whether a single amino acid change in a .
             hemoglobin mutation could be found that doesn't adversely affect the function of that hemoglobin. He was .
             unable to find such an instance. He also explored the interactions between proteins, amino acids, and .
             oxygen, with energy sources such as the earth's heat and the sun's radiation. He concluded that "the .
             overwhelming tendency for chemical reactions to move in the direction opposite to that required for the .

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