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Great Gatsby


            In Fitzgerald's book, The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald illustrates the.
             theme, "Outward appearances can be deceiving." This theme is.
             shown in a few parts of the book. These outward appearances are.
             not only found in people, but in the geographical areas of the New.
             York area.
             The first deceiving outward appearance is that of Daisy. At.
             first, we are lead to believe that she is a very happy person, as.
             Gatsby's love. But she is not, she is a rather tragic and selfish.
             person. We see this when she uses Gatsby as a way to go to parties.
             and look popular, while she is really more attracted to Tom. And in.
             the end of the story, she takes off with Tom and doesn't leave a trace.
             to where they are going. .
             There is a big irony in this. We see that Gatsby is pursuing the.
             woman he loves. But Daisy ends up inadvertently causing Gatsbys.
             death by killing Myrtle in the car accident, which set Wilson into a.
             psychotic mood.
             Gatsby himself has an outside appearance that is deceiving. .
             At first, we see that he is a wealthy, courteous, and handsome man.
             who is trying to get the woman he loves. Later on, we realize that.
             Gatsby uses enormous amounts of people to get to Daisy. By.
             throwing these large parties to impress Daisy, he uses many people,.
             including Nick, to get to her.
             Another small, but deceiving appearance is that of the New.
             York area. New York and East Egg are seen as beautiful, wealthy.
             cities. But these cities form a layer to cover the valley of ashes, the.
             area of poverty and desolation of the cities. This deceiving.
             appearance may be minor, but it is there to support a theme of the.
             These issues in the book are all used by Fitzgerald to support.
             the theme, "Outward appearances can be deceiving." These issues.
             all have to be pulled out of the story and torn apart before they can.
             be understood by the reader. Fitzgerald does an excellent job of.
             interweaving conflicts and plots to make the story a one-of-a-kind.

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