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             As the doctor cuts away at my son's penis, I can not help but to wonder should I be circumcising my son? Did I do the right thing? I hope he is not in too much pain. Many parents lose sleep over this decision, for it is a very difficult choice to make. These days, there is so much controversy over this procedure; you do not know what is right or what is wrong. Parents across the nation dread the day they have to make this choice.
             Approximately eight days after your newborn son enters the world, you are stuck with making that controversial decision. Should I circumcise my son? Yes you should. Being circumcised is far better than being uncircumcised. Not only does it provide many health benefits, it provides many social benefits as well. .
             The foremost important reason to circumcise is for social reasons. You should have your son circumcised to save him from ridicule. Let's face it, kids and even adults can be cruel these days. Name calling and segregation can send kids over the edge. For example, look at the Columbine school shootings, or better yet, look at all school shootings. These shootings are usually from kids that were teased or made fun of. No, I am not saying that your uncircumcised son is going to be a school shooter or a high school killer. I am saying, why subject your child to that torment, let your son fit in and match others around him. You do not want him to feel uncomfortable because of a decision you made.
             Imagine your son's first shower after gym class. As he walks in the shower, he notices he is different. He covers himself to hide from the other kids, but it is too late, the other kids notice and begin to make fun of his penis. He begins to cry and gets out of the shower. He is so confused. Later that night while eating dinner your son decides to ask the million dollar question. "Mom, dad, why do I look so different, why do I not look like everyone else?" .
             Does this sound extreme? If so, talk to other adults about being uncircumcised, or better yet, look at the facts.

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